We don’t seem to have a tutorial on how to take a screenshot but I found this one which seems quite clear:
Insert a Scratch file into another Scratch file:
I have yet to succeed at this, unfortunately. It doesn’t seem to be supported by Scratch. It would have been amazing if it was and very useful.
Print a Scratch file:
if you right click in the script area, one of the options will be to save an image of all scripts currently displayed. You can then transfer this image to your other computer and access the printer. We have explanations for this:
DI folders are protected:
Yes, they are. You are not meant to edit those files. Each time you run a DI Update, those folders get recreated. You would lose your work. Instead save in your home directory. You will find a Documents folder there.
GoPiGo sensors:
The GoPiGo comes with 4 Grove ports. Of the items you listed, only the ultrasonic sensor uses one of those ports, specifically the A1 port.
By looking at this image:
you can see the light sensor and sound sensor would also use the A1 port so they are in conflict. Only one at a time can be used. There are other sensors on the other ports that can be used at the same time as the ultrasonic sensor.
Everything functions as you proposed, except for the screenshot.
Its .gif picture is mot recognised by the viewer.
Last month the GoPiGo has functioned as expected.
But after the last DI software update, the Pi does not start up.
The screen shows the well known 4-color picture and that’s it.
I assume a new SD installation is required. Or do you have a smarter solution.
hmm, let’s see what’s happening.
What are you calling the Pi-Viewer? Are you attempting to connect to the Pi via a browser? or with a VNC Viewer?
And what do you mean when you say the Scratch will open on your Mac? I’m not sure I understand.
A Scratch xxxxx.gif picture can not been viewed with the Rasbian image viewer.
The new DI installation is okay
Another question:
I use a German qwertz keyboard can be installed via raspi-config