I bought a Grovepi for my RPi 2 B but it does not seem to be seen on i2c:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
only returns an emty table (–) .
Do you have any idea on what to do to solve this problem?
[edit]: the red “RST” led on the Grovepi keeps blinking every one second or so.
Can you show us a video with your GrovePi while your Raspberry Pi is idling (normally operating)?
Want we want to see how the red RST LED blinks every second or so.
Also, can you confirm us, that when you’ve loaded Raspbian for Robots image onto the micro SD Card, you also did a firmware update?
Hello, thanks again for your answer. I’m sorry I can’t post a video. But things have changed with the new system image: the RST blinks once (normally?) at startup. Then i2cdetect doesn’t show any i2c port in use. Then doing firmware_update.sh, the RST led is put on and remains this way without blinking while the script prints 4 times the same comments:
avrdude: AVR device not responding avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
_ Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override_
_ this check._ avrdude done. Thank you.
I’m thinking that the connections between the GrovePi and the Raspberry Pi aren’t so good.
The GrovePi board is actually behaving differently (LED-wise) because you have the appropriate dependencies/scripts installed on the Raspberry Pi.
So that’s a good thing.
Can you confirm us the following:
That running i2cdetect -y 1 again doesn’t bring up anything in the console.
That there’s absolutely nothing else connected to the GrovePi that might lead to a failed update.
That the GrovePi board is perfectly stacked on top of the Raspberry Pi.
I mean, when you stack the GrovePi on top of it, you need to use quite some force. Please make sure their solidly stacked.
That running i2cdetect -y 1 again doesn’t bring up anything in the console.
That there’s absolutely nothing else connected to the GrovePi that might lead to a failed update.
That the GrovePi board is perfectly stacked on top of the Raspberry Pi.
And also that the RST led blinks once at startup and remains on after an unsuccessfull firmware_update.
I’m now testing my Grovepi on a brand new RPi 3 device.
Do you have a Grove RGB LCD around? You might have one if you have bought the GrovePi Starter Kit.
If so, can you connect the Grove RGB LCD to one of the I2C ports of the GrovePi ?
After that, does any I2C address appear in the console when you type i2cdetect -y 1?
Suggestion 2
There’s a tutorial I wrote that walks the user through testing the SPI connection on the GrovePi - the SPI connection is the one through which the GrovePi is programmed and this one doesn’t work on yours.
OK thanks, I’ll try your suggestion #2 but I’ve already asked my reseller for a free exchange of my Grovepi. I didn’t mention that in the beggining I plugged my 3.5’’ LCD onto the Grovepi, the Kuman LCD runs over SPI, do you think that this could have altered the Grovepi’s behaviour?
In that case, don’t you find weird that Dexter Industries doesn’t mention the fact that one cannot connect an LCD on top of the Grovepi+? I don’t think you’re right JohnC. The Grovepi should be able to work properly with an SPI LCD on top - as long as we don’t reprogram it. But my Grovepi never worked at all - and I didn’t try to reprogram it anyway with the LCD on top.
Yes RobertLucian, i can confirm your two points. And also that I’ve sent back my Grovepi to my reseller, with a link to this discussion. So you’ll do me a favour in acknowledging that my Grovepi had probably a factory defect. Thanks for the coaching.