In Case Anyone Wonders Why EasyGoPiGo3.steer() Does Not Work For Them

The steer fix has been merged into Github (it is not in GoPiGo OS as of yet although you can manually bring it in)


A big thank you for continuing to actively support our “mature aged” GoPiGo3 with software updates.

For a product first introduced in 2014/2015, it is comforting to see ModRobotics support fixes and the GoPiGo3 OS, as well as the “open install” scripts that succeed with PiOS.

I haven’t revisited the GoPiGo3/DI_sensors install over Ubuntu lately - I should probably revisit that and report back.


How do I do that?

What is the correct way to fork/clone/copy the varioud Dexter libraries so that I can try to push updates?


(I wasn’t able to find the post this was taken from)

=== Pull Request according to Cleo/Nicole Parrot of ModRobotics:

1) Go to the repo you want to contribute to, and fork it. It will bring a copy of the repo into your own account.

2) You can then clone that fork onto your development machine using git clone ...

(cd ~, mkdir forks, cd forks, git clone

3) Do your changes and tests until you’re happy.

4) Then, still locally, git add .., git commit... and finally git push..

  git push takes your local changes and brings them into your github forked repository.

5) In the DI github website, do a ‘Pull Request’, which will alert DI that you have a suggestion. 

  It’s up to DI to accept it or not at that point, and to bring it into the official repo.