Issue with "Installing the RPLidar Lidar Sensor on the Raspberry Pi"

Another one - I’ve had this “A Gentle Intro To ROS” book in my Amazon “Save For Later” forever and just found it online for free!

(The code samples are C++ not Python - but it is free, and most of ROS is language agnostic anyway.)GentleIntroToROS


I have the exact same property Options as you do.

However, in the Expert Tab “SendInitialClipboard” is False. Should it be True?

If I do a ^C copy and a ^V paste nothing appears on the command line, however if I move the cursor to the right I see “^[[c” so instead of pasting in what I copied with ^C from Windows 10 it is just pasting in a control symbol and some random characters which are repeatable with each ^C paste. All the other combinations produce the same results on the command line.

VNC troubleshooting says this about cop and paste issue:

" Has VNC Server been configured to disable copy and paste? If you have access, check global permissions on the VNC Server Options > Users & Permissions page."

How do I get to the VNC Server configuration on the Rpi?

Under Application Preferences/Privacy in the VNC Viewer the “Allow copy and paste text to and from the VNC Server” box is checked. This leads me to believe that the copy and paste issue is at the tightvncserver Server end on the Rpi?

I have also tried running the VNC Viewer client as an administrator and still no joy.


Tom C


Nice find, I will check it out.

Tom C


This instructable explains how to get tightvncserver to auto start when the Pi boots up.

Tom C