Setup Python3 GoPiGo3 and DI_Sensors on Ubuntu Server 20.04 64-bit for non-root access

As far as that is concerned, you are correct, though I believe I have the multi-boot process just about completely knocked.

I have learned, and am learning, a lot about how Raspbian is organized and the gnarly details of booting the Pi.  This translates into knowledge of the boot process and how to fold it in ways that can be very interesting and useful.

In a very real way, this is not unlike your experiments with ROS:  You can do 99.99999% of what ROS does using stock Dexter software, but you’re learning a lot about robotics in ways that the folks at MR/DI never even imagined.

Eventually when you decide to try the Dexter software, you will be approaching it from an entirely new and fresh viewpoint that none of the rest of us can match.  You will bring to the analysis of the software and its features a fresh and imaginative point-of view.

In a manner similar to the way @cyclicalobsessive is my standard as a robotics software god, and I will always bet money on my own hardware skills, you will bring a third, valuable, point of view - and I am learning a lot just watching you.

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Only do this if you are the only user of your system!


Wow - this one was tough. Hopefully that is the last of the problems.

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You had mentioned somewhere the camera not being compatible with the 64 bit system. How did you solve it?

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Well, I am not sure if all the steps I took are required because I didn’t reboot and test before rpi-update-ing the kernel :woozy_face:

This is the process that should be used (includes testing before updating the kernel):


sudo pip3 install git+
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libraspberrypi0 libraspberrypi-dev libraspberrypi-bin
sudo vcgencmd get_camera

Added to /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="vchiq", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"

added to end of /boot/firmware/config.txt

sudo reboot
sudo vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=1    ???
raspistill -o test.jpg

==== if not - try latest kernel

sudo curl -L --output /usr/bin/rpi-update
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update

sudo rpi-update
WARNING: This update bumps to rpi-5.10.y linux tree
your firmware was successfully updated to 85bda3d8fd6a8b70d189aefd9234440ca99cb81c

sudo reboot
sudo vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=1    ???
raspistill -o test.jpg

=== [For info only] To restore to stable kernel:
apt search raspberry  (raspberrypi-kernel/stable)
sudo apt --reinstall install raspberrypi-kernel/stable
sudo sync
sudo reboot


Ouch - just figured out that raspistill works, but picamera still having problems…


This is a great thead. I notice that there are multiple (I think 5) images on sourceforge with some variant of ubuntuxxx gopigo3 in the title. Can you point me to the best one, for a raspi3+ gopigo3 (around 12 months old?)

I am using “take_2” and it sorta works but sometimes it just crashes (gpu_mem=128 incorrect?) or is super slow, and definitely can’t get the camera to work.

So which one is the best one? Thanks


@pitosalas This thread is about creating your own “GoPiGo3 over Ubuntu 20.0.4 64-bit” and does not use any of the Modular Robotics SourceForge operating systems.


Sorry, my mistake. Didn’t mean to cause any confusion!