[SOLVED] Software and firmware glitches with GoPiGo on dex.local

Updated the software and firmware for Pi and GoPiGo on dex.local and now the interface for dex.local is glitchy. The icons are constantly moving around the browser.

I don’t know how to resolve this.

Hello @mullikinb,

are you by chance still running a Wheezy version of Raspbian for Robots? I need to confirm this first.


How would I check this

Open up the command line window:

cat /etc/os-release

Or use:

cat /etc/debian_version

If it’s 7.x = Wheezy
8.x = Jessie

Hope that helps.

wheezy is the version

the glitches happened when i updated software and firmware on dex.local

Unfortunately @mullikinb it is now impossible to support Wheezy. Jessie is Wheezy’s successor, and even Jessie is on the way out. We’re officially supporting Jessie at this moment, but Stretch will be coming soon. (Sorta like Windows 7, 8.1 and 10) .

You will need to install Raspbian for Robots, the Jessie version, by following the steps here:

Sorry for the hassle.

thank you for your help