Unable to confirm High Accuracy Barometer is working

I have the following components:
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Desktop
Grove - Barometer (High-Accuracy)

When I run sudo i2cdetect-y 1, it shows that the Barometer is on 0x076. I then run `sudo python grove_i2c_barometric_sensor_example.py’ from the barometric_sensor_bmp180. I modified the script to use 0x076 and the Adafruit_I2C.py script to use SMBus(1).

Doing so gives several ‘Error accessing 0x076: Check your I2C address’ errors. The script displays
Temperature: -3.20 C
Pressure: 999.77 hPa
Altitude: 143.76 m

I believe these are all defaults.

I could use some help figuring what to change in my environment to confirm the barometer is connected/setup correctly OR do I perhaps have a faulty barometer?