Accelerometer dimu sensor

I’m using the accelerometer of the dIMU Sensor and i have some problems on the reading when i use this code:
#pragma config(Sensor, S2, DIMU, sensorI2CCustomFastSkipStates)
#include “drivers/dexterind-imu.h”

float x,y,z;
task main()
if (!DIMUconfigAccel(DIMU, DIMU_ACC_RANGE_2G))
DIMUreadAccelAxes10Bit(DIMU, x, y, z);
When I set up the program with the robot placed paralel to the floor the value of the y is 0, but if i set up the program with the robot placed perpendicular to the floor when i put the robot paralel to the floor the value of y isn’t 0, is 0,5, and i want that the accelerometer give me the same values when is in the same site no matter in wich position i set up the program, anyone can help? i will be very gateful.

Hey Zas, did you find a way around this? Since you just posted on another subject, I assume you did.

The accelerometer can be calibrated. Looks like you’re using RobotC, so do you see the example program for calibrating?

Hey Zas, did you find a way around this? Since you just posted on another subject, I assume you did.

The accelerometer can be calibrated. Looks like you’re using RobotC, so do you see the example program for calibrating?

I didn’t find a solution, i just put the sensor on the floor and I execute this line when is on the floor:
if (!DIMUconfigAccel(DIMU, DIMU_ACC_RANGE_2G))
Then i put the sensor in the robot and i start the program. This works but i dont like to put the sensor on the floor every time i want to start the program. Can you give me the link of the example program for calibrating? Thank you for answering.

It looks like you’re using the Botbench examples for the sensor. Is that correct?

There are three examples:


Example 2 (dexterind-imu-test2.c) initializes the sensor.

The attached “Calibrate” file should show you how to calibrate the sensor using RobotC.