After update problem

Hi all,

i need help!! I just tried to download the raspbian for robot image. And also tried to update dexter software. while in the progress updaing the software, I saw the screen indicated restart press “exit” then reboot again. Di software update icon change to other icon as per attached. And I also try to open the scratch which fail to open. what should i do for making system be normal?

Hey ttsiang02,
You can do a few things.

1). First, you can just reinstall the image. Not the easiest method.
2). You can run the following in the command line:

cd ~
sudo sh

This should restore the missing files, and then you can run the DI Update again. That should restore everything.


Thank John ! Thank for your reply.

Thank John ! But I have already format the image and reinstall the image . But now another problem. The scratch couldn’t open and keep showing me “grove pi scratch: scratch connection error retrying” and “scratch is either not opened or remote sensor connection aren’t enabled”. What should I do in order to open the scratch normally? Thank in advance!

Hey ttsiang02 can you attach screenshot of what you’re seeing?

Hi John, thank for your reply. i have attached the picture. can you help me see what’s the problem?

Did you run those lines?

cd ~
sudo sh

followed by a new DI Update?

Your update was interrupted too early - not your fault, the messages are confusing. I’ve done the same many times.

i’m not sure about that. but i did run at the Di Update everything to up to date. Meaning that i need to reinstall again??

DI Update currently has an issue when it tells the user to reboot, yet it’s not really done. You’re not at fault here, DI Update is.
It’s really done when it says

--> =======================================
--> =======================================
  _    _               _           _                         
 | |  | |             | |         | |                        
 | |  | |  _ __     __| |   __ _  | |_    ___                
 | |  | | | '_ \   / _\ |  / _\ | | __|  / _ \               
 | |__| | | |_) | | (_| | | (_| | | |_  |  __/               
  \____/  | .__/   \__,_|  \__,_|  \__|_ \___|    _          
  / ____| | |                         | |        | |         
 | |      |_|__    _ __ ___    _ __   | |   ___  | |_    ___ 
 | |       / _ \  |  _ \  _ \ |  _ \  | |  / _ \ | __|  / _ \
 | |____  | (_) | | | | | | | | |_) | | | |  __/ | |_  |  __/
  \_____|  \___/  |_| |_| |_| | .__/  |_|  \___|  \__|  \___|
                              | |                            
--> Installation Complete.

By the fact the icon is missing, it’s fairly certain that the update didn’t complete.
To get back to a working condition, you will have to do the following:

cd ~
sudo sh

then run another DI update till completion

Hi Cleo,

i have tired above suggestion. i’m still not able to open the scratch. Is the DI update stable now?

Did the DI Update work till you got the final Update Complete, and are the icons back on your desktop?

Hi ttsiang, the DI Update is stable; it just needs to be able to run all the way through to the end. If you stop in the middle, it can end up not fully updated.

So if you ran

cd ~
sudo sh

Are the icons back to normal on the desktop? Maybe you can post a screenshot as well, it might help us understand more about what’s happening on the Desktop or the Raspbian right now.