I am going to applogize now, but I am very new to robots so bare with me. I am trying to make the Alexabot. I got AlexaPi working but I am a little confused on the IFTTT part.
“Next, you’ll need to add the IFTTT service to your AlexaPi. You can do this by first installing the Alexa App on your mobile phone (it’s available for the iPhone and Android, and it’s free). With your phone on the same network as your Pi, connect to your AlexaPi and add the IFTTT service.”
My phone is not on the same ip address as my raspberry pi. Same net work, but different IP addresses. Is that an issue??
Second. I am trying to create an applet like the instructions said, but I do not see the Action service “Maker” on step 5. Is there another way to make the applet or updated instructions??