I came across the arduberry while looking for a way to connect my seeed studio gprs shield v2 to my rasdpberry pi (I have both models, the B and B+). I want to know if an a arduberry will allow me to connect them. Thank you for helping me to make a decision. Any help will be most welcomed.
Looking at the GPRS Shield, it looks like it Used Pins 7 and 8 for Serial. You can write code on the Arduberry so that it communicated with the GORS shield on these pins.
The Raspberry Pi and the Arduberry are connected by Serial at Pins 0,1 and I2C on pins A4 and A5.
You can use send commands from the Raspberry Pi to the Arduberry from Serial or I2C in C or Python and let the Arduberry handle the low level stuff. More like the Raspberry Pi tells the Arduberry to post a temperature value to the internet and the the Arduberry talks with the GPRS module to send it to the internet.
Let us know if you need any more help.
Thank you Karan. I ordered two Arduberries and will be back asking for more help if I have a problem. I am trying to make a GSM alarm for my home and managed to get the GPRS shield to work on an arduino uno by adapting the codes available online. I am now trying to do the same with the Raspberry Pi. I am 51 and starting to learn about the Raspberry PI. I have a little knowledge of computers and electronics. But I will definitely need help if Google cannot show me the way. Hope you guys on the forum will help.
We have people of all ages tinkering with the products that we make and we love seeing what they come up with. One of the goals of our products is to bring down the barrier of entry to the hobbyists. We hope that you have a great experience with our products and we’ll be available on the forums for any help that you need. Do share your project with us once it’s finished.
Hey Parvez,
Just agreeing with Karan, this is really awesome. We can’t wait to see what you make! Please come back and share it with us!