Arduberry losses it’s sketch or miss-behaving after a day of running. It’s stop responding to my serial comm port communication program. The only way I am fixing this issue is by re-uploading my sketch again.
What causes the comm port failure? How to debug this issue?
Can you post the sketch here so that we can have a look. Also, can you tell us more how you are using the Serial port. Is it connected to a sensor or are you using a Serial Port monitor, and if so what .
I did some digging around. I found the arduino script fails when serial command is sent back to back without any delay. May be I should add delay/sleep in arduino script?
I think adding a delay might help. Usually, it takes sometime for the sensor to respond to the command and maybe when it’s processing the previous command, a new command comes and the sensor overlooks it, which might be causing the problem.