I thought I posted this question yesterday, but I don’t see it on the forum so I’ll try again. My apologies if this is a duplicate posting!
What are the advantages of using an Arduberry over using for example an Arduino UNO with a USB connection to the Raspberry PI?
In my case I am using an Arduberry to connect my Raspberry PI directly to a Pololu Zumo Shield. The PI is running Johnny-Five (a node.js package for controlling Arduino) and the Arduberry is flashed with Firmata. This works really well, but so does using an UNO + USB Cable. Hence my question.
Hey Mark,
The major difference b/w the Arduberry and the arduino is that you have all the low leve interfaces, i.e., I2C, Serial and SPI directly connected to the Raspberry Pi. So you can directly connect those sensors to the Arduberry and use them in your programs without pass through from the Atmega chip. You can also use the Atmega chip to process the data from the sensors and send them an nicer stream of data using any of the interfaces. With the Arduino uno, the option is to send the data via Serial, and you render your serial port useless. We also have a GrovePi firmware and if you look at the examples here: https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi/tree/master/Software , you can directly control the pins very easily from the Raspberry Pi itself.
Hey Mark,
We really liked your article and would like to promote it on social media too. Do keep us posted with the project’s progress and any other projects that you are working on.