Wow, this is quite an undertaking. This might probably be the biggest sensor setup I have seen with the GrovePi in a while.
There are few points to note though:
The GPS is usually a UART device and you can only connect one UART device on the RPISER port
The K33 CO2 module can be use with the GrovePi+ but you’ll have to make a custom cable for it. If you are planning to use 2 of them, then make sure that there is an address select on the sensor, otherwise you’ll not be able to use 2 of them.
The pump takes a lot of current and the GrovePi won;t be able to supply that. You should connect a DC relay and use that to power the pump
thank you very much for the professional advices, nice to see I have enough ports for the sensors, few points:
so the GPS port goes to the UART instead of the D4, ok
the cable you said I think you mean this l2c: and what do you mean with " make sure that there is an address select on the sensor, otherwise you’ll not be able to use 2 of them", do you mean if the sensor can be programmed to choose 2 addresses or if I need to program RPi in order to choose 2 addresses?
I think we should not use pump because the CO2 meter guys said it has so little life, but not sure if not having the pump will affect the readings a lot
I think should use a floating device connected externally with metal of piece, so the ultrasonic or distance interrup sensor wont take humidity, being isolated. Which sensor would you use to meter the level of liquid of a moving tank?
the grovepi sensor provides so very little measures (2.000 ppm), that is why I need K-33 (30% or 30.000ppm) or others similar like Cozir
what is the problem of having too many UART devices? and why do I need the UART to I2C convertor?
after your help, this is how the system looks like:
I try to avoid the GPIO serial because I think it is more complex, requires breadboard and so on, even when Athlas allows both interfaces, please respond to the answers above or tell me whatever you notice
Thanks in advance for your time, I will continue updating this thread
You can try using one of the CO2 sensors without the pumps and if it works well, then great, otherwise you might have to use a pump.
I would also prefer not using a pump
I think for the measuring the water level, you can use the ultrasonic sensor, the water should refect back the waves and give a good reading. Do try this out and let us know if it works .
All the I2C devices come with an address, like the GrovePi+ itself has 0x04, this ADC has 0x51 So you cannot connect multiple sensors unless there is an address select on the sensor. If you check the ADC above, it has solder jumpers to change the address and this is something you do on the sensor itself, it cannot be done from the Pi. Please check if the address of the CO2 sensor can be changed.
With UART/Serial you can only connect one sensor unless there is hardware handshaking (which is not there with the Pi or the Grove sensors) so if you have multiple UART sensors, then you’ll have to either change them to use something else like I2C or change the sensors themself.
thanks a lot Karan, I simply don’t get the last paragraph
With UART/Serial you can only connect one sensor unless there is hardware handshaking (which is not there with the Pi or the Grove sensors) so if you have multiple UART sensors, then you’ll have to either change them to use something else like I2C or change the sensors themself.
I seem to have only the GPS as UART/serial sensor as the last table shows?
Sorry for confusing you. That is just a note to keep in the back of your mind. The CO2 sensors is an I2C/UART sensor, so if there is no address select on it then you might be forced to use UART, which might cause a clash with GPS or use a UART/I2C multiplexer.
for now I am receiving the rp2 b, grovepi+, light, temp+humidity pro sensors and clock just to start with dietpi and will try to send its CSV via WIFI dongle + FTP to and android app created with mit inventor, will update you later
I implemented part of the system so far, it writes on csv values of sensors and time but receive an error which seems a malfunction of the grove analog light reader: