BrickPi Colour Sensor

I’ve just done the tests, and the result was mixed. I’ll do a blog post on my website soon detailing it all as it’s much easier to put it on one place then link folks to it than repeat the same stuff.

Expect it within the next 6 hours

John has asked me to talk to him before publishing the results, I’ll get the Ok from him before i post anything more

Yeah, let’s hear from John. To be clear, we shipped Keith a board to test back in October; we just wanted to know the results. A courtesy heads up so we could review the results would have been nice, but no worries.

Keith, you go ahead and publish anything you like. I just want to be clear: we’re not trying to prevent you from publishing anything, I was just hoping to get an idea of what we’re dealing with.

A link would be nice, when it’s ready of course

As for me, I’m on bed rest for the week, and then complete rest till January. That means I have TONS of time available to do testing, as long as it’s nothing physical. So I’m eager to get this robot going…

I was literally going to give everyone a full diary of what has gone on my end and what I’ve tried, so everyone is on the same page.

CleoQc: I am eager too, as without the colour sensor working my Independent study is going top be a lot more difficult. The only reason the replacement broad has sat on my desk for a month is because of other university assignments.

And for everyone’s reading pleasure, everything I’ve been through trying to isolate this issue.

Link to the blog post

So after those tests, what is everyone’s new thoughts on the issue