Browser Streaming Robot problems

I’ve encountered a number of problems trying to get the browser streaming robot example to work. I’ve followed all of the instructions given here on the site, but I think I must have an incomplete or incorrect installation of the necessary software. First, I was missing the Tornado server software. After I installed that, I found that I was missing sockjs.tornado. I tracked that down on github and installed it. From there, the web server starts, but here’s what happens when I try to connect with a browser:

Starting web server…
200 GET / ( 88.45ms
200 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 17.51ms
200 GET /css/style.css ( 20.22ms
200 GET /css/modal.css ( 17.28ms
200 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 109.98ms
200 GET /js/jquery.js ( 364.17ms
200 GET /images/ajax-loader.gif ( 18.23ms
200 GET /robot_control/info ( 10.73ms
404 GET /favicon.ico ( 11.36ms
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sockjs_tornado-1.0.1-py2.7.egg/sockjs/tornado/transports/”, line 60, in on_message
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sockjs_tornado-1.0.1-py2.7.egg/sockjs/tornado/”, line 423, in on_messages
File “./”, line 114, in on_message
File “/home/pi/Desktop/GoPiGo/Software/Python/Examples/Browser Streaming Robot/”, line 79, in startStreaming
[ “/usr/local/bin/raspberry_pi_camera_streamer” ] )
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/”, line 679, in init
errread, errwrite)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/”, line 1259, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
SockJS connection closed

I can’t get past this…I’m stumped. I’d appreciate any help or suggestions. This is the only one of the Python examples I’ve had any problems with.



Hi Peter,
Can you try running the script directly like: ./ after you make it executable.

Let us know if this works.

Just to follow on Karan, make it executable with chmod command.

Same problem, unfortunately.

In Terminal I typed:
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./

After the web server starts, I get what I included in my initial post (and after that it seems to be looping with the same error).


Hi Peter,
Did you run the setup script for that example
This installs all the packages needed for the example to run properly.


Duh. I had overlooked that setup script. So now I’ve run the script, but am still having problems getting everything going. When I type "sudo ./ ", the right motor starts up, but that’s about it. I’m unable to get a browser to connect to raspberrypi.local – I’ve tried Safari on my Mac and iPhone, and Chrome and Firefox on my Mac. Maybe I need to start over? I have a feeling that I’ve installed components for this example all over the place.



Hi Peter,
Yeah, this is the most complex of the examples and it would be great if you could use a clean Image or a Dexter Industries Image, else just follow the instructions step by step and it should work out for you.
