Browser Streaming URL error

I have had success using the Pi Camera, however, I am getting errors when I try to use the browser. I have screen dumps but don’t know how to attach

VLC media player:-
raspivid -o - -t 0 -hf -w 800 -h 400 -fps 24 |cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout ‘#standard{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8160}’ :demux=h264

VLC media player

IP scheme or dex.local
DNS address not found

DEBUG:tornado.general:sockjs.tornado will use json module
INFO:root:Starting web server…

Can you give a few more details about what worked and what not. What did the browser show when you were trying to use the browser streaming robot in the browser and what were the messages shown in the terminal. Can you post a few screenshots too.

Hi karan,

Email 1 of 2 / 6 screen shots

HDMI Epiphany Browser &
Browser Chrome/I.P. scheme & Epiphany
Dex_Stream Streaming_video_example
Dex_local Epiphany Browser/tmp file store
VNC_putty Ubuntu 14 Desktop through VNC
Dex32 Photo opportunity

If you need further words to support the screen shots please get in contact


Hi karan,

Email 2 of 2 / 6 screen shots / 2nd email

HDMI Epiphany Browser &
Browser Chrome/I.P. scheme & Epiphany
Dex_Stream Streaming_video_example
Dex_local Epiphany Browser/tmp file store
VNC_putty Ubuntu 14 Desktop through VNC
Dex32 Photo opportunity

If you need further words to support the screen shots please get in contact


Hi @Saxon,

It looks like the URL that you are using to access the browser streaming robot needs to be changed a bit.
The URL to access the browser streaming robot is dex.local:98. Try this URL from a computer different from the one in which you are running the

You can refer to this page for directions.

Please let us know if this helps,

Hi Shoban

Thanks for your assistance in regards resolution of DNS / dex.local. I used
HTTP not HTTPS. Please see attached screen dump


Hi @Saxon,

Sorry didn’t notice that your username is dex_32. So should just try using dex_32.local:98 on the browser.
Also try using dex.local:98 without any www prefixing it.


Hi Shoban,
I have return to 1st principle of Miguel-MJPG Stream code with 2 tests chassis.:-

  1. Dex Chassis/Dex32_SD
  2. Rasp14 Chassis/Rasp14_SD

With proof that Rasp14 works fine with Miguel-MJPG, I can then vary the combination of browsers to identify what does and does not work.
I am pleased with the Dex Chassis and lucky to discover the forum