I am using lego sensor connected with BrickPi3 stacked on Raspberrypi. I am able to read the sensor value from the raspberrypi.
But, I would like to compile the lego driver modules for Raspberrypi Kernel so that it will be available under /sys/class/lego-sensor. Currently there is no such directory (/sys/class/lego-sensor).
I came across this git repository with lego drivers for linux. GitHub - ev3dev/lego-linux-drivers: LEGO MINDSTORMS and LEGO WeDo drivers for Linux from the ev3dev project
I cloned that repository and used make command to build the module but it is not generating a .ko file. I am not sure where I am going wrong.
As per my understanding, I can use insmod command to insert the kernel module (.ko) to the running kernel once it is built.
Can someone please help me in how can I build a module for lego hardware.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Best Regards