C# Library issues

We are experimenting with the GoPiGo and Raspi 3.
We installed the latest and greatest Windows 10 IOT on the Pi and try to run this simple background task we made:
}catch(Exception e) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[ERR]:" + e.ToString() + “\n”);

The Exception is the following:
Unexpected number of bytes was transferred. Expected: '. Actual: '.
at Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cDevice.Write(Byte[] buffer)
at GoPiGo.Sensors.UltrasonicRangerSensor.MeasureInCentimeters()
at BackDriveme.StartupTask.RandomMovement()

Also we get these errors:
[ERR]:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified.

Slave address was not acknowledged.
at Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cDevice.Read(Byte[] buffer)
at GoPiGo.Sensors.UltrasonicRangerSensor.MeasureInCentimeters()
at BackDriveme.StartupTask.RandomMovement()

When there is no exception, we get 255 (I guess it has to do with the PWM signal something?)

How can we fix these issues?

Also how “Up-To-Date” and bug-free is the library? Is it tested with the latest Windows IOT, Raspi3 and the GoPiGo 2 board?