We are experimenting with the GoPiGo and Raspi 3.
We installed the latest and greatest Windows 10 IOT on the Pi and try to run this simple background task we made:
}catch(Exception e) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[ERR]:" + e.ToString() + “\n”);
The Exception is the following:
Unexpected number of bytes was transferred. Expected: '. Actual: '.
at Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cDevice.Write(Byte[] buffer)
at GoPiGo.Sensors.UltrasonicRangerSensor.MeasureInCentimeters()
at BackDriveme.StartupTask.RandomMovement()
Also we get these errors:
[ERR]:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified.
Slave address was not acknowledged.
at Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cDevice.Read(Byte[] buffer)
at GoPiGo.Sensors.UltrasonicRangerSensor.MeasureInCentimeters()
at BackDriveme.StartupTask.RandomMovement()
When there is no exception, we get 255 (I guess it has to do with the PWM signal something?)
How can we fix these issues?
Also how “Up-To-Date” and bug-free is the library? Is it tested with the latest Windows IOT, Raspi3 and the GoPiGo 2 board?