Cannot boot up properly

Hi experts,

I’ve just got my brand new GoPiGo kit with several sensors and I completed building the kit but It didn’t work. Literally, it doesn’t do anything… From the Raspberry kit itself, I can see red led is always on and green led is blinking 4 times ( Actually 4 fast blink and 4 slow blink ). Even after I connect the ethernet cable, there’s no led blinking at all. I suspect some SD issues but I also bought this 8GB SD card from the Dexter. How come it doesn’t work ? What should I do in this situation? Should I buy another larger SD card then??
It would be highly appreciated if you can give me any advice.


I’m really sorry that you’re experiencing such a disappointing start. It does sound like the SD card is corrupted for some unknown reason.
You can choose to re-image the card yourself by following the instructions here or request another SD card. Re-imaging the card yourself is the fastest solution.


Thanks Cleo for the comment. Now I’m trying to do re-imaging on my sd card but I can see some existing files like *.dtb and .elf / etc. in it. Should I remove them all first and do re-image ? Or just let them in and move forward ?

Re imaging the card by using Etcher or win32diskimager will overwrite everything . You don’t need to clean up. If only kitchens were like that. Cleo

Many Thanks! but I encountered another problem with wifi setting. When I use WPA gui to configure my wifi network, I can see several possible wifi networks but I cannot actually connect to them. I attached the screen shot showing only “scanning” as status. Can you please give me any advice on this?

Hi @mgchoi79,

We have a tutorial to guide through in setting up the wifi. You refer to the step by step instructions here or you can follow this tutorial .Please tell us if this helps you to solve your problem.
