Hi, I am very new to this kind of programing and VNC so treat me like a newbie. I have followed the steps in setting up my GoPiGo2 via Win10 and have reached step 4, Test the GoPiGo. I have connected to dex.local via wifi and my browser and succesfully logged in. But here is were my problem is, i can’t click or interact with the desktop in anyway. Any suggestions to what may be the problem? Thankful for help
I managed to find the answer in the following thread when i searched more thoroughly: https://www.dexterindustries.com/topic/vnc-client-does-not-transmit-mouse-clicks/
The problem had to do with my touch screen on my laptop and the fact that i connected via chrome as a browser!
Great to hear, is the problem solved then?
Yes the problem is solved!