Can't connect GoPiGo OS to the internet


I installed GoPiGo OS on my GoPiGo3 and I want to connect it to the internet. The problem is GoPiGo OS doesn’t see the built in Wi-Fi adapter in the raspberry and the WIFI dongle works as a hotspot and can’t be used to connect to my WIFI.

Can anyone help to connect the raspberry pi to the internet ?


That is a serious issue, indeed, that I faced a few years back with a Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspbian Jessie.

I have read that GoPiGo OS 3.0.1 cannot be configured for local router access over a USB WiFi dongle, so my suggestion is to use Raspbian For Robots pre-configured with your network specifics and ssh.

The official instructions are here

The “official” image is here

This is how I do the setup “headless” - preconfiguring my router SSID/password and ssh remote access, (so I do not need to attach a keyboard, display, mouse, and ethernet cable):

GoPiGo3 Setup (Public Version)

*** Download Raspbian For Robots (2020_10_17 version is no longer available)

*** Current Instructions

*** Flash SD card with Raspberry Pi Imager / Etcher
  Select the Raspian For Robots zip file
  Select the 16GB SD Card

=== Mount the card to allow headless configuration
- Pull card out, reinsert for next steps

=== Enable SSH
- create a file called "ssh" (or ssh.txt) in the Boot partition
  (touch /boot/ssh)

=== Setup WiFi Headless

- create the file /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf  
   (quote chars must be straight up/down, traditional, not slanted/matched Unicode chars
   use     ssid="XXXX"

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


=== disable ipv6

Browse the disk (boot)
Rt Click on System Volume Information->Open Terminal Here
cd ..

cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt.bak
nano cmdline.txt
add to end of line/file:
save, exit editor

- eject disk

==== Raspbian First Boot 
-insert micro SD card
-power on
- on mac:  arp -a to check IP

=== First Login  
ssh pi@10.0.0.XX

The default login for Raspbian For Robots is username pi with the password robots1234 

=== is see SSH HOST KEY verification failed
on mac:  ssh-keygen -R 10.0.0.XX 

Login: username: pi  password: robots1234

=== Configure for locale, timezone, and expand filesystem to fill card
$ sudo raspi-config
   (You can exit menus by using Tab key, move to Finish, enter key)

  change password to XXXXX
  Network Options: change hostname to XXXX
  change Localisation:Locale -> remove en_GB, add en_US.UTF8
                                default local: en_US.UTF-8
  change Localisation:Timezone-> US->Eastern
  change Localisation:WiFi Country->US
  Interfacing:PiCamera enable

  reboot now yes

=== LOG IN Again


=== Change TightVNC password ====

at a terminal:
  <new password>
  <new password>
  n   (do not set up a view only "no password" login)

=== update now
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get full-upgrade

==== Check  TEMPERATURE 

To view the Pi's temperature
   vcgencmd measure_temp 

It's generally a good idea to keep the core temperature below 70 degrees

=== info about processor, memory, disk partitions ===
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/partitions
cat /proc/version
   Stretch kernal: Linux version 4.9.41-v7+

free -h     displays memory usage 
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           875M         69M        540M         11M        266M        745M
Swap:           99M          0B         99M

=== check memory usage program 

q to exit

Record the ipV4 addresses:
    GoPiGo3     : 10.0.0.XXX  


To scan for WiFi networks, use the command
   iwlist scan | less 

=== check time zone
$ date         to check if correct time

========= SSH from mac to Pi =====
(SSH enabled in raspi-config)

ssh -l pi   (wireless)
password: robots1234 (changed to XXXX)

===== rebooting ====
sudo shutdown -r now  (or sudo reboot)
(if doesn’t come back up try
sudo shutdown -t9 -r now  
or (sync;sync;sudo reboot -d -f -i)

==== check disk file systems =====
df -h  
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        15G  4.2G  9.9G  30% /
devtmpfs        434M     0  434M   0% /dev
tmpfs           438M     0  438M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           438M   12M  427M   3% /run
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           438M     0  438M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1   42M   21M   21M  51% /boot
tmpfs            88M     0   88M   0% /run/user/1000

==== disk space of a directory: 

$ du -hD

=== install disk monitor tool
sudo apt-get install dstat
dstat -cd --disk-util --disk-tps

sudo apt-get install iotop
sudo iotop -o

?? === install atop (may waste CPU cycles if not needed )
   sudo apt-get install atop
   atop 5   (every 5 seconds)

sudo apt-get install iostat  ?? may be already installed ??
sudo iostat -d 5

glances --enable-process-extended

===== update and upgrade ===

$ sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get sudo apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true upgrade

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

===== Fix pip  ?

$sudo pip install --upgrade requests

===== test internet speed ====
$ sudo pip install speedtest-cli
$ speedtest

Speedtest Result 

  2018Aug22:  81.1 Mbps Download, 10.5Mbps Up 36ms ping
  2016Apr29:  29.5 Mbps Download, 11.0Mbps Up 38ms ping
  2015Jan25:  19.3 Mbps Download, 5.5 Mbps Up 40ms ping

===== describe hardware =====

sudo apt-get install lshw  

sudo lshw

=== check memory ===
sudo lshw
          description: System memory
          physical id: 4
          size: 862MiB

$ free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          862M       232M       630M       5.9M        14M       177M
Swap:          99M         0B        99M

======  Testing Disk speed =====
sudo hdparm -t /dev/mmcblk0  (sudo apt-get install hdparm)

  Pi3: 62 MB in 3.06s = 20.27 MB/sec
  pi B+: 54 MB in 3s = 17.7 MB/s

======= check OS version ======
cat /etc/os-release

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

==== check Pi firmware version

vcgencmd version
uname -a

==== SHUTTING DOWN Pi ======
sudo poweroff  ( or shutdown -h now )
Safe to remove power when green light blinks a bunch (12 times) and then stops blinking

=== Update GoPiGo3 software to latest:

curl -kL | bash

=== Update DI Sensors 

curl -kL | bash

=== Test audio

aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*

if no audio:
amixer  to see what is current setting: (0=auto, 1=analog, 2=HDMI)

sudo amixer cset numid=3 1    (set to output sound to 3.5mm jack

try again:
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*

========== If audio output is too soft =======
if soft:  alsamixer 
          s (select card)
          downarrow to “0 bcm2835 ALSA” 
          8      (4=default loudness, 8=100%, 9=125%)
          Escape (press Esc)
then make setting default:
   sudo alsactl store 0

==== espeak is already installed in Raspbian for Robots

=== Configure Desktop to play .wav files
connect via remote desktop
right click Text.wav icon --> Open With ...
Select Custom Command Line tab
enter Command line to execute:  aplay
enter Application name:  aplay
check Set selected application as default action for this file type
Click OK

With speaker on, double click Text.wav to hear "Hello from your bot"

====== Raspian4Robots WiFi Indicator ====

When in Raspbian or Raspbian for Robots, once the GoPiGo3 is connected to a WiFi access point, the antenna LED will be a pale yellow, very different from the green and blue for DexterOS.
This gives the user a nice feedback that the robot is connected to Wifi and removes the guessing game.

This means a new service is installed: antenna_wifi.service which runs every 10 seconds, for less than 0.2 sec on average. A user can always choose to disable this service with the standard
sudo systemctl disable antenna_wifi.service

=== exiftool to view EXIF data on jpg files ===

sudo apt-get install exiftool

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