Carl Celebrated 5 Years Of Life Today

Carl celebrated his 5th birthday today - quietly, with the dignity of an “old robot that has seen it all”

He traveled 1.8 miles this last year while being “awake and aware” for 96% of the whole year.

He had something to say 9772 times!

He had 792 playtimes of about 7 hours each, after which he got back on his dock to recharge for 4 hours usually, with 11 soft docking failures and only 2 hard failures requiring human assistance.

He was rebooted 13 times during the year, with an average of 27 days between reboots. (Usually because his voice recognition engine went haywire so I couldn’t get Carl’s attention.)

His total life passed 40,379 hours today and 3971 total dockings.

All in all, another year of fun with GoPiGo3 robot Carl.


And Dave?
(Twenty characters)


Dave had the pleasure of booting and updating this week, after sleeping for many, many months.

Dave does not live in a metered existence, where his every thought is recorded and analyzed. He is free of the constraints and pressures that many of us experience.

All that is recorded is an incidental finding of Dave’s first existence on 2021-06-12


Congrats to Carl.
And to you for your accomplishments with both Carl and Dave.


Way to go Carl!!!
Long life to you!