Here’s a “group photo” of Charlie and Charline.
Charline still needs additional functional testing and a bumper.
I decided to change her lipstick color.
Both 'bots have automatic 5v supplemental power, but I still need to get a type-C connector for Charline.
Are there any reports of compatibility issues with the new V3 camera and GoPiGo O/S? I’ve noticed when using Chrome on an Android phone that Charline’s V3 camera doesn’t appear to be working.
Note that I have not tested with a V1.n camera, nor have I tried replacing the ribbon as I want to test it with my laptop first. -
Can anyone suggest a “plug-and-play” ROS implementation for the GoPiGo using a Pi-4, along with the camera and distance sensors, and without all the extra fancy stuff like LIDAR, stereo cameras, GPS, a CRAY on a trolly behind it, retractable landing gear, etc?
Hopefully I’ll have a family photo including Cindy soon.