Checking GoPiGo3 Software Versions

My “Versions.txt”

How to Check Versions of GoPiGo3 Hardware and Software

=== Check version of Raspbian (basis for R4R)

cat /etc/os-release

cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

=== Check version of Raspbian For Robots Kernal
uname -a

=== Check version of Python
dpkg -s python python3 | grep Version
Version: 2.7.13-2
Version: 3.5.3-1

=== Check version of GoPiGo3 Firmware
cd ~/Dexter/GoPiGo3/Troubleshooting/  

Checking for hardware, and checking hardware and firmware version.
Manufacturer    :  Dexter Industries
Board           :  GoPiGo3
Serial Number   :  ...0B1F
Hardware version:  3.x.x
Firmware version:  1.0.0
Battery voltage :  9.62
5v voltage      :  5.063

=== Check version of Python GoPiGo3 package

pip freeze | grep gopigo

=== Check version of Python DI Sensors package

pip freeze | grep DI-Sensors

=== Check version of OpenCV
pip freeze | grep opencv
   opencv -contrib-python==

=== Check installed version of ~/Dexter/GoPiGo3 software
pushd ~/Dexter/GoPiGo3
git rev-parse HEAD 
  gives the hash code for the last commit.

Once you get that hash code, you can use it in this URL format:<<your-commit-hash-here>>

Put it in your browser and that will take you to the version you have in GitHub. 
You can check the dates and see how far behind your version is from the latest one.
(Click on DexterInd/GoPiGo3 repository, click on <clock-face> XXX commits to see what 
 has changed... 

 - then backup your card, 
 - then pick one of the following to update whole R4R (don't forget to reboot after): 
   - run the desktop "DI Software Update", 
   - sudo curl -L | bas

=== Check installed version of Raspbian for Robots 

cat ~/Dexter/Version

V 9

This version of Raspbian was modified by Dexter Industries on the Stretch Raspbian Build.
This version was updated on 26th of June 2018. 
Start: Wed Mar 27 07:30:56 EDT 2019
End: Wed Mar 27 07:36:17 EDT 2019

- (no longer works)
pushd ~/di_update/Raspbian_For_Robots

git rev-parse HEAD 
  gives the hash code for the last commit.

Once you get that hash code, you can use it in this URL format:<<your-commit-hash-here>>

Put it in your browser and that will take you to the version you have in GitHub. 
You can check the dates and see how far behind your version is from the latest one.