Code Maintenance In Python: Find All Files That Import A Module

One of the complexities of managing code for a robot, is knowing which programs use a common module that is changing.

For example, I created a module called carlDataJson(.py) to create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) “Carl Data”. A year later, I realize that it should have been called just “carlData(.py)”, so that in the future, I can replace the underlying JSON file database with a real database (sql-lite), and not have lots of code “remembering” the JSON days:

import carlDataJson


should really be:

import carlData


I discovered there is a way to find every Carl program that imports the carlDataJson module:

$ grep -r --include "*.py" "import carlDataJson" .
./Examples/Vosk/ carlDataJson
./Examples/pycam/MotionDetect/    import carlDataJson as cdj
./Projects/WheelLog/    import carlDataJson
./Projects/IMU/    import carlDataJson
./Projects/carlDataJson/ carlDataJson
./Projects/carlDataJson/ carlDataJson
./Projects/Juicer/ carlDataJson as cd
./plib/    import carlDataJson
./plib/ carlDataJson as carlData
./plib/ carlDataJson
./plib/ carlDataJson as cd
./plib/ carlDataJson
./plib/ carlDataJson
./plib/    import carlDataJson
./plib/ carlDataJson
./plib/ carlDataJson

So if I want to change the name now before even more programs become dependent on this poorly named module, I can know every file that must be updated (and retested…).

To make that easier to remember the next time, I created utility:


# USAGE:  ./ "pattern"

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] ;
        then echo "Usage:  ./ \"import xyz\" "
echo "Searching to find what Python files use \"$1\" "
grep -r --include "*.py" "$1" .

Example using “” to find which programs are using a "do not initialize the EasyGoPiGo3() class speed variable:

$ ./ "noinit=True"
Searching to find what Python files use "noinit=True" 
./Examples/nyumaya/	egpg = noinit_easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./Examples/Vosk/	egpg = easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./Projects/VoiceCommander/	egpg = easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./systests/tiltpan/        egpg = easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True,noinit=True)
./systests/noinit/ PURPOSE:  Test the noinit=True option of the noinit_easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3() class
./systests/noinit/           by instantiating an EasyGoPiGo3(noinit=True) ojbect to access battery voltage
./systests/noinit/    print("Initializing an EasyGoPiGo3(noinit=True) object")
./systests/noinit/    noinit_egpg = noinit_easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./systests/easygopigo3_plib/ = easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./systests/easygopigo3_plib/    egpg = easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./systests/easygopigo3_plib/    print("Exception while instantiating EasyGoPiGo3(noinit=True)")
./plib/ = noinit_easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
./plib/	egpg = noinit_easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3(use_mutex=True, noinit=True)
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great idea for the shell program. I don’t use grep often enough to remember all of the parameters.