Conncting PivotPi servos to lego technic parts

One small element of the sorter I did not notice before I bought a PivotPi : how the servo is connected to the lego liftarm. It is connected not by a a lego pin or a gear but by a plastic twist tie.
In other words, and I can confirm this now I have them in hand, the servos do not connect readily and securely to any lego part. So beware - you’ll have to come up with something yourself if you want to incorporate pivot pi servos into an existing lego construction.

There is this:

Can’t quite see what it does yet! Is the short axle on the right in the first picture supposed to spin or just the ring? How useful is the latter?

Another possibility

I’ve found drilling out one end of this part:

and pushing it on to the 9g Tower Pro servo gear and the other end to a lego axle might be secure enough.



I looked at that thingie too, and though it looks clever, I’ll be darned if I can figure it out either.

Does the thing spin?
Does a sliding bar move?
Is there some piece that wiggles back and forth?

It would have been nice if there was a video of it working. . . :wink:

So, what exactly are you trying to do?