How can I connect the HC-SR04 to the RPi 1 B even though all of the GPIO pins are used up by the GoPiBo board? I could not find any tutorials on how to convert the 4 pins to 3 pins directly into the GoPiGo a1 port, only to Arduino.
Hi glasermrk,
The pins on the Grove A1 and D10 ports are shorted together so you can use a grove cable and connect the white and yellow wires to the Echo and Trig pins to connect the sensor the Grove port. We have tried this before and it works on some sensors and not on some other sensors. The Grove ultrasonic sensor works the best with the GoPiGo. To connect the ultrasonic sensor to the Raspberry Pi header you’ll have to solder headers to the extra GPIO footprint on the GoPiGo and then connect the sensor to it.