I have set up my wifi to my phone network (4G) and I am trying to connect to the gopigo with Raspberry Pi 3. I am not able to connect to the dex.local site from my laptop on same wifi network I keep getting the error DSN not found.
May someone helps me
Thank for the help.
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What OS did you put on your SDcard?
What color LEDs, and solid or flashing, do you see?
Try from a browser (safari, chrome, Firefox, opera…)
I used the Raspbian OS
I see the green Led in GopiGo
So the current Dexter Industries “Raspbian For Robots”?
If yes, that is what I use also. (Although I am not using a phone as the router, I use country US, I disable IPv6, and I use a Mac.)
Maybe all you need is to figure out what the IP of the GoPiGo3 is, by running:
arp -a
in a command window. Then put that IP into your browser.
Here are the steps I use to set up my WiFi for GoPiGo3 with Raspbian For Robots:
GoPiGo3 Setup
*** Download Raspian For Robots
*** Flash SD card with Etcher
Select the Raspian For Robots zip file
Select the 16GB SD Card
=== Mount the card to allow headless configuration
- Pull card out, then reinsert for next steps
=== Enable SSH
- create file called "ssh" (or ssh.txt) in the Boot partition
=== Setup WiFi Headless
- create the file wpa_supplicant.conf
(quote chars must be straight up/down, traditional, not slanted/matched Unicode chars
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
=== disable ipv6
Browse the disk (boot)
Rt Click on System Volume Information->Open Terminal Here
cd ..
cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt.bak
nano cmdline.txt
add to end of line/file:
save, exit editor
- eject disk
==== Raspbian First Boot
-insert micro SD card
-power on
- on Mac (or your laptop) command window: arp -a to find IP given to RPi
ssh pi@xx.xx.xx.xxx
pw: robots1234