I saw the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcdvBuBumlE where someone made the GoPiGo waiving a flag with multiple servos and I guess a PivotPi So how can I connect multiple servos on my GoPiGo setup?
Will a Servo splitter cable also do the trick? http://www.kopterworx.com/servo-splitter-lead-1-female-to-8-male.html
I want to attach a meArm on top of my GoPiGo.
Best regards,
January 14, 2017, 12:49pm
This video uses the Pivotpi which is connected to the Gopigo via the i2c port with a simple Grove cable. That would let you control 8 servos individually plus the servo that is Gopigo specific. Should be plenty for the MeArm I think
Awesome to hear it is possible!
How do I instruct the Pi to send a signal through the i2c to a specific servo?
Best regards,
January 16, 2017, 2:55am
Hello @k2403902
are you trying with Python or with Scratch?
We have “Your First Program in Python ” and “Your First Program in Scratch ” videos to help you get started.