Couldn't start Xtightvnc

I’ve been unable to connect recently to GoPiGO using VNCviewer on my Bac.

When I ssh into to GoPiGO, then run vncserver :1, I get:

Couldn’t start Xtightvnc; trying default font path.
Please set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script.

Any help appreciated.

Are you running the latest Raspbian for Robots image? If not, what software are you running?

I purchased the kit from Dexter, and the instructions indicated I could just insert the SD card without modification.

How do I check the image version and what will I need to do if it has been updated?

Note that I could use a VCN viewer client on my Mac successfully immediately after putting in the SD card and powering up the robot. This VNC problem just started, and I don’t think any of my Python programming on the robot should have had an effect on the basic system configs.

What date is on the SD Card? You should be able to run VNC immediately, that’s right. But it’s important to know the date.