Debugging Boot with LED Flashing?

I am brand new to the GoPiGo world and spent last evening putting together and attempting a boot up of my Raspberry 3B GoPiGo. I had the 4GB SD Card with a date mark of 2016.01.05. The Lights all came on the GoPiGo and Raspberry Pi but the Act light on the Raspberry Pi flashed a repeating sequence of 4 slow and 4 fast flashes. The system didn’t appear to boot and the LEDs on the ethernet port did not light up when plugged in to my MacBook. I decided to download new software and burn a new SD card today (Have not yet finished that process. Etcher keeps saying the 4GB card does not have enough space.).

My question is: Are there LED troubleshooting codes in the boot sequence? I wondered if the 4+4 flashes meant something?


Hi Linda,
it does look like you have a defective SD card. Raspbian for Robots still fits onto a 4Gig card, so if Etcher complains, your card may be corrupt.

As for the 4 flashes with the ACT led, it is indeed indicative of a corrupt boot due to the SD card.

Have you managed to get Etcher to write to it?

Thanks to Amazon PrimeNOW I got a 32GB SanDisk Extreme and was able to load it with the image and the GoPiGo booted up nicely. I had planned to get a bigger SD Card anyway so no biggie.
I am now happily poking at it through VNC. I suspected that the flashes might have been an indicator of problems with the boot disk. Is there an LED flash decoder ring out there? It would be cool if there was one since these guys are more often booted headless than not.

Linda, welcome to the world of GoPiGo! We’re glad to hear you’re off to
a running start!

Hi Linda!
I found the following information about the ACT LED blinks:
3 flashes: start.elf not found
4 flashes: start.elf not launched
7 flashes: kernel.img not found
8 flashes: SDRAM not recognised. You need newer bootcode.bin/start.elf firmware.
If start.elf won’t launch, it may be corrupt.

But in short, if you get any of them, the best method is to re install Raspbian on your SD card anyway.

Also, I just want to make sure that all steps have been done correctly with your brand new 32 Gig SD card. By default, you will not have access to all that shiny new space, you need to expand the card. Maybe you already know that, and you’ve done it already, but just in case you haven’t. There are steps describing what needs to be done in the "Your First Time Running the New SD Card" section

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Thanks! That is good information…

Marking this thread as resolved, then!
Happy Gopigo-ing!

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