DHT20 I2C Humidity Sensor support

There is support for the DHT series with OneWire interface but has there been firmware support for the DHT series Grove with I2C interface such as the DHT-20? The Grove DHT series with OneWire is End Of Life.

dht(pin,module_type) only supports the OneWire and I2C are private functions in the library.

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Is this what you are looking for? DHT with I2C

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That appears to be code for the GoPiGo3 not the GrovePi+. “di_sensors” is not in the standard GrovePi modules as far as I can tell.


Right, missed that.

Put your question to the official support now: support@modrobotics.com

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But don’t forget to bring the answer back here so others can learn too.

Maybe @cleoqc would care to comment?

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Actually the readme says it it is for grovepi, so perhaps try the install for Di_sensors and then try passing “I2C” for the port to that “GoPiGo3 Example” - it might just work!

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You are correct. The installation in the readme does install the di_sensor modules. I have verified the modules do get included for GrovePi compile. I have not tested the code yet. I will update when I have. McZ


What’s in di_sensors will work with all of the Dexter products.
However the DHT sensor is not in there. The code is for the THP sensor

As far as I know there isn’t an out of the box support for the DHT 20. Sorry.