This topic was prompted by @cyclicalobsessive’s reply to topic #9471 “Does GoPiGo3 still really need Python 2?”, specifically:
options include --bypass-GUI-installation
This then prompted two questions:
Where can I find documentation on the command line switches for and
What switches should I use for my specific case?
Regarding Documentation
From inspecting the scripts, I found the following:
But what do they do? Perhaps --bypass-gui-installation is obvious (is that all it does?), but what do the others do?
For example:
where can I find a list of the dependencies that -no-dependencies skips?
what is the use case for applying --no-update-aptget ?
where can I find a list of the rfrtools and the python-rfrtools and why would one want to bypass them?
what are --user-local, --env-local and --system-wide used for?
Part of my problem is that I am not a Linux maven - even reading these scripts to understand what they may be doing is difficult.
Any documentation that can be provided would be appreciated!
Regarding My Specific Case
I have the Ubuntu 20.04 server installed on my Raspi and I want to get just the GoPiGo3 drivers and supporting python code installed. I tried following the “Quick Install” instructions at GitHub - DexterInd/GoPiGo3: The GoPiGo3 is a Raspberry Pi Robot!
curl -kL | bash
That was the wrong thing to do because I believe I got the entire GoPiGo3 OS installed. Certainly I got a desktop that I don’t want.
I next noticed the “Virtual Environment Installation” section. However, I don’t know what that is (@cleoqc please consider adding some explanatory statement on what is meant by this term). Still, I noticed the switch “–bypass-gui-installation” (and remembered the comment above) so --bypass-gui-installation seems called for if “no desktop” is all it does. As indicated, I don’t know what “–user-local” means/does. There is also “-s --” after “bash” and I also don’t know enough about linux to understand what that does.
If someone can explain / advise on what switches to use to just the GoPiGo3 drivers and supporting python code installed, that would be great!