Does Web_Streaming with the GoPIGo only work with a PiCamera?

Initally I bought the basic packet of the GoPiGo, without the extra accerories like the camera, or rocket launchers. I figured I’d buy those at a later date.

Using another raspberry Pi, I made a security camera with an old USB webcam.

I installed all of the necessary software on my GoPiGo, and tried streaming with the USB camera attached.

I have the camera enabled on config.

Then I ran the Python in the examples. yet it doesn’t go past

“Starting web server”…

Do I need the PICamera for this run?

Hi willphillips1984,
The camera streamer example is built around the Pi camera and is pretty tightly coupled with the Pi camera in the software too so it might be hard to get it working with anything else. We use MJPG-Streamer to stream the video from the camera, so it might be possible to stream another camera with that but you might have to change the source at a couple of place: and probably somewhere here: We have never done this so we might not be able to help a lot with this.
