Example findhole.py

When i use the example findhole.py it stops when it seeys an obstacle and it says "now where to go"
The gopigo doesn’t go to the right of left.


Can you point to the example code?

He John,
The example code is in python/examples/find hole.


This example: https://github.com/DexterInd/GoPiGo/tree/master/Software/Python/Examples/Find%20Hole ?

Yes John that is the one i mean.

We spent a little time going over this; it seems the robot stops when it can’t find a hole big enough to go through. Is there a way to make the hole bigger, and see if it will go through?

You may also want to try increasing the value of CHASS_WID, which is in this file: https://github.com/DexterInd/GoPiGo/blob/master/Software/Python/Examples/Find%20Hole/control.py

He john,
Thank you for making some time for it.
But how can i download the file from github.com
When i use a browser its open the file and not for download.


Curious, how did you download it the first time?

He john,

I did not downloaded because it was already installed on the sdcard.
Must you have an ftpclient or so for downloading files from github.com ?


I just saw a YouTube video about how downloading files from github.


Hey input, I think the file should be updated, so you don’t need to download anything. I think all you need to do is make the modifications to the files you have on your SD Card already. I put the link to that file just to show you which one I was talking about, that’s all.

You may also want to try increasing the value of CHASS_WID, which is in this file: https://github.com/DexterInd/GoPiGo/blob/master/Software/Python/Examples/Find%20Hole/control.py

I still have problems with findhole.py. I set the CHASS_WID to 50 now and when it is frond off a wall it doesn’t go to the right or left. When it is stops for a wall the servo doesen’t look to the right or left eigther.

What else did you try? Can you send us a screenshot of the code running as it goes to a wall?

He john,

Inclosed is the screenshot from findhole.py.


Did you have already some solution for my problem with findhole.py.
Or is there some other way I can try ?


I think I understand. You wrote

I still have problems with findhole.py. I set the CHASS_WID to 50 now and when it is frond off a wall it doesn’t go to the right or left. When it is stops for a wall the servo doesen’t look to the right or left eigther.

So you’re putting it in front of a wall, there’s no gap for it to find it’s way around. For example, look at this file, on line 34. If there are no gaps detected (which, in your example, there won’t be because you’ve set it in front of a solid wall), it will just give up and stop. You might change those lines of code to something like “turn 180 degrees” so it turns around which it finds no gap and just runs away.

You can see that on lines

Thanks John for the reply.
I will look into it.
