Forum Statistics For Last 1 Year As Of 11 April 2023

Analysis of Last 1 Year of Visitors To DI Forums as of 11 April 2023
This Year’s Posts Read Visits Posts Read/Visit
Total All Users Ever Visited Visitors max max max
6510 78 1200 363 61
Ave Ave Ave
81 21 10
Total Read Total Visits Median
6306 1670 5.5

I’m pulling down the posts read/visit stats. Many (most now, actually) visits I don’t read any posts - there’s nothing new.


Clumpy data by its nature, but some interesting nuggets in the details.

This really saddens me sometimes. There is so much buzz around the “ChatGPT class software bots”. I went to a party once and was deeply offended, after telling someone I was a software engineer, by their statement “Software is easy”. It seems even as infinite as the Internet and all the text that is generated every day, folks seem to think that is more solvable (or more profitable to solve) than computing with a physical bot in the non-virtual reality.

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Clearly spoken by someone who doesn’t understand software.

In the broader world physical robots are definitely thriving. I was traveling for work recently and saw this cleaning bot in London Heathrow (LHR).

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Looks like a “One Eyed Purple People Eater” to me!

Glad you survived your adventure to tell us about it.


The coffee bot will soon be serving -

Or if that doesn’t work:

Also tells the story

Has someone been feeding steroids to the vending machines?


Interesting. I don’t live too far from Pewaukee. I’ve signed up for the waitlist and free coffee (although TBH don’t know if I’ll bother downloading the app). Every hotel I was at in the UK (England and Scotland), as well as the place I was working, had an automated coffee machine that could do espressos, cappuchinos, flat whites, americanos, and sometimes even just plain black coffee. This seems to be the same thing but web connected (and much bigger).