Forum Status Notice

This is just a heads-up that the forums will be temporarily set to read only while we do some changes in the background.

They will come back as soon as we can!

In the meantime, if you’re having technical issues, please send an email to support@dexterindustries. com

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We are back!
What we expected was just going to be a ‘read-only’ turned out to require a full shutdown for a few hours.

But all done, thank you for your patience, and Happy Holidays to everyone who are about to enter their Holiday season!



  1. Thanks to you and everyone else for your heroic efforts, both here on the forums, and everywhere else.

  2. Is there someone relatively high up in the food-chain at your new Multi-National Conglomerate that I can write to and make the case for keeping the fora active and supported?

  3. Thanks for everything you and everyone else has done - it is this and this alone that keeps me coming back for more.

Have a wonderful holiday season. Be safe, well, and lucky!

Jim “JR”

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