I appreciate the tips.
I have done some surface mount soldering, but I don’t feel comfortable modifying the battery or GoPiGo.
I think I will go with a separate battery for the LIDAR. I probably won’t get to the LIDAR until fall.
Smart move!
Fight one dragon at a time.
Maybe before then I can convince you to try my ROS 2 Humble GoPiGo3 image and introduction to ROS 2 tutorial… To just use the LIDAR as a 360 degree range sensor one don’t need ROS. I’m not familiar with any non-ROS LIDAR systems.
Something to put in the back of your mind from my experience with the YDLidar X4 - it may not return range data for every angle on every scan. I haven’t dug into this to characterize when or why, primarily because ROS 2 deals with unreliable sensor data under the covers somewhat.
I have everything working on Bullseye that I had working on Buster, including the addition of a PS4 controller.
Did you use a wireless dongle or bluetooth connectivity? (I have had success with the wireless dongle route, but no success on the two bluetooth controllers I tried with many years ago.)