Ghosts Visited GoPi5Go-Dave Last Night

I awoke this morning hearing a strange quiet whirring sound in the room where Carl and Dave reside. I tracked the sound down to GoPi5Go-Dave’s YDLIDAR X4 scanning the room for ghosts he thought might attack?

I checked his running processes and found no ghosts had infected his brain, but when I intentionally commanded him to stop spinning the lidar it just would not quit!

Next I tried the sure-fire ghost busting technique - wiggle cables. Apparently the ghost lives under there, because the wiggle stopped the spinning, but subsequent wiggles could start and stop the spinning.

I can’t deal with ghosts before breakfast, but Dave is playing more quietly now.


Thanks for the laughs. You have a unique way of recounting Dave’s adventures !


Ah, but the ghost was just being quiet. Before the noisy ghost appeared, Dave was getting 3.5-3.6 hour playtimes. After I quieted the ghost, Dave began only managing 3.2 hours for each playtime.

Since the Li-Ion battery is now three months old and has cycled 387 times, I have been watching for any sign of “aging” as shortening of the playtimes. I checked the average load - 7.5W, and decided to reboot Dave (41 days since his last reboot) . The load after rebooting is 0.1W less than before, and indeed playtimes are now 3.5 hours.

It seems the ghost didn’t like being quiet and left robot Dave to find another robot to haunt where it can make as much noise as it desires.

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