Go-Pi5-Go-Dave Took His First ROS 2 Humble Stroll Today

It all came together today - History was made:

  • ROS 2 odometer node recording all /odom changes,
  • ROS 2 teleop_gopigo3_keyboard node sending ROS 2 /twist topics to:
  • ROS 2 “GoPiGo3 Minimum” gopigo3_node (no LIDAR, no Cameras) - running:
  • ROS 2 Humble with
  • GoPiGo3 API over
  • Ubuntu 22 in
  • Docker over
  • PiOS Bookworm 64-bit Desktop running on
  • Raspberry Pi 5 talking SPI to
  • The GoPiGo3 Robot Dave

Allowed keyboard driving of “ROSbot GoPi5Go-Dave” around the room.

Total Awake:   1221.95  hrs
Total Naps:     57.05  hrs
Total Life:    1279.00  hrs (since Mar 17, 2024)
GoPi5Go-Dave Playtimes (Undocked-Docked): 101
Total Dockings:  496
New Battery Installed At Cycle: 416
This Battery At Cycle:  80
Average playtime (last three) 3.7 hrs 
Average docked time (last three) 2.3 hrs 
Sessions (boot):  64
Average Session:  19.0 hrs
Safety Shutdowns:  8
Total Travel:  12.0 meters 39.3 feet             <<<---- odometer logged 2 meters travel
Last Undocking String:  2024-05-11 17:17|[test_docking.py.do_charging]---- Undocking at Charge Current 175 mA 12.11v after 2.3 h charging
Last Docking   String:  2024-05-11 14:57|[test_docking.py.do_playtime]---- Docking 496 : success at 0% 9.9v after 3.6 h playtime+

*** Start teleop_gopigo3_keyboard node
*** ros2 run teleop_gopigo3_keyboard teleop_gopigo3_keyboard

This node takes keypresses from the keyboard and publishes them
as Twist messages. It works best with a US keyboard layout.
Moving around:
   u    i    o
   j    k    l
   m    ,    .

  and arrow keys:

  <--   v  -->

anything else : stop

q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10%
w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10%
e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10%

CTRL-C to quit

currently:	speed 0.1	turn 1.0                   <<<<--- speed 0.1m/s

*** started moving
start_point - x:  1.040 y: -0.000 z:  0.000 heading:    0

*** stopped moving
stop_point -  x:  2.041 y: -0.000 z:  0.000 heading:    0 - moved:  1.001 meters in 10.0s   <<<--- 0.1m/s 
(**measured by encoders  (and I measured it on the floor - looked pretty close to 1m**)

Next up,

  • get the joystick working (Create3-Wali upgrade from SNES controller to Logitech F710 “real joystick”)
  • get the LIDAR SDK installed to enable mapping, localization, and navigation
  • get the camera SDK installed to enable objects (tables/chairs,bottles,“person objects”), and Aruco marker recognition
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That’s fantastic. Sounds like you’re making great progress.

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