GoPi5Go-Dave Got "Jazzy" Today and Then Got "Humble"

Couldn’t resist trying out ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco on GoPi5Go-Dave:

Still reorganizing Dave’s docking routines, but Dave has been reliably maintaining his battery 24/7 on his own.

My thoughts are wandering to “what next?” Probably will combine Create3-Wali’s Pi5 ROS 2 Humble Docker setup with HumbleDave’s ROS 2 Humble GoPiGo3 nodes, and get all my handy-dandy utility scripts in place for maintaining Docker images. I need to resist bringing up HumbleDave on the “pre-release ROS 2 Jazzy”. ROS 2 Humble doesn’t EOL for three more years, so there will be less head scratching by sticking with ROS 2 Humble.


Forgot a major, major “ToDo” in that list:

  • Install my GoPi5Go API (GoPiGo3 API modified for Pi5 and Linux) to the Dockerized Ubuntu 22.04 environment

I managed to get started (ROS 2 Humble Installed):

  • Install ROS 2 Humble/Ubuntu22/Docker (like Create3-Wali’s Pi5): Success
  • Install GoPiGo3 ROS 2 nodes (from Humble Dave): Partial Success
    • GoPiGo3 node needs my modified GoPiGo3 API installed to Docker Ubuntu
    • LIDAR scan node needs YDLidar SDK installed to Docker Ubuntu Environment

Changing HumbleDave’s Pi4 to Pi5 is quite a setback, but should be quite a benefit once I recover the lost functionality. The Pi4 was totally maxed out doing simultaneous localization and mapping, LIDAR scanning, and the GoPiGo3 robot control node. I expect these will drop to 35% to 50% on the Pi5 to make room for the Oak-D-W camera node and RTABmap visual localization with either 2D from 3D maps, or perhaps even full 3D maps.