GoPi5Go-Dave Learning To Navigate By Himself - Somebody is Learning

For the last couple months I have been learning about ROS 2 navigation using the TurtleBot3_navigation package modified for the GoPiGo3 dimensions and max velocities. I have proved that Dave can localize and navigate with the modified packages and configuration parameters, BUT … I have manually given the navigation package the /initialpose hint for where Dave is starting on the map of the house, and I have manually given Dave the goal points using mouse clicks on the map.

I have been following a Udemy course “ROS 2 Nav2” I purchased for $18 for all this and finally skipped ahead to the end where it shows how to use the Nav2 Python3 “Simple Commander API” to set the /initialpose programmatically, create a waypoint pose list, and publish it to the “behavior tree navigator” to navigate. (Yeah … simple …)

While not quite the path I would like, GoPi5Go-Dave successfully initialized himself onto the house map (he previously wandered to create the map), and navigated to the first two waypoints on his way to the kitchen, (just barely avoiding the chair in front of his dock).


Congrats - seems like you’re continuing to make progress.