GoPiGo Not Moving in a Straight line

I’ve had my GoPiGo for a few months now, and today i noticed that it doesn’t move in straight line. I’ve tampered with the wheel and updated the hardware firmware, but still no luck. How can I get it to go straight?

Update: I’ve noticed that the right wheel appears very “untrue”. The spacer donut and encoder on this wheel seem to wobble way more per each revolution than the left wheel does and as a result the GoPiGo always drives towards the left. Might the motor axle be damaged?

Can you try to trim the speed of one of the motors ( and see if it solves the problem. Can you post a video which shows the wobble.


Trimming helps, but I’ve thus far not been able to find that sweet spot that fixes the issue. I’ve attached a video of the wobble to this post and in the meantime will continue exploring varying the trim

Trimming helps, but I’ve thus far not been able to find that sweet spot that fixes the issue. I’ve attached a video of the wobble to this post and in the meantime will continue exploring varying the trim.

I am seeing this exact issue with my new GoPiGo. The trim helps, but it’s not quite there.

I am going to remove and reattach the motors, sensors, and wheels to see what happens.

Hi @walkerhunter,

Can you tell us on what surface you are running the GoPiGo. You can also try two things to have better grip.

One is using rubberbands on the wheels to increase the grip and the other is to put the battery pack on the top of the GoPiGo instead of the back.

Can you try this out and let me know how it goes for you.