GoPiGo Ver. 1 - compatible software

Good Day, I have an original gopigo ver. 1. The SD card needed to be replaced and need to know which version of the current software will run on my ‘old’ ver. 1 board?


Hi @minako.steve1,

We no longer support the GoPiGo 1. The only ones to support are the GoPiGo2 and GoPiGo3.

@JohnC is there anything that we help with here?

Thank you!

Hello Steven! We still keep all our documentation and software up online for the GoPiGo V1, it’s just a little harder to find. You can find it here.

Domo-arigato Mr. Roboto :slight_smile:

Received your response updated the software and the old reliable GoPiGo Ver. 1 is rocking and rolling.


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Nice to know! Good old GPG1 :heart_eyes: