Gopigo3 and easygopigo API documentation

I found the easygopigo API documentation here

Example Usage:

import easygopigo
egpg = EasyGoPiGo3()
print(“battery voltage: %.1f” % egpg.volt()

Examples/ uses the “non-easy” class:


import gopigo3
gpg = gopigo3.GoPiGo3()
print("Battery voltage : ", GPG.get_voltage_battery() )
print("5v voltage : ", GPG.get_voltage_5v() )

It seems like section 5 and 6 would be better named “API EasyGoPiGo3 - Basic” and “API EasyGoPiGo3 - Advanced”.

Is there a draft document of “API GoPiGo3 - Wizard Level” somewhere for the GoPiGo3() class?

Hi @cyclicalobsessive,

We thought that having a shorter title for the section is better than having something longer and possibly more confusing.
Following this logic, you end up in a place where you ask yourself if there is a difference between “EasyGoPiGo3” and the actual GoPiGo3 robot when someone sees “API EasyGoPiGo3 - Basic/Advanced”, hence leading to confusion.

The 2nd thought we had is that this library is about the GoPiGo3 and not about the naming preference of a certain module. For instance, OpenCV is named OpenCV and yet the import module is still called cv2 - notice that their API reference chapter is called “OpenCV API Reference”.

That “Wizard Level” is quite funny actually - similar to Tesla’s “Ludicrous Mode”.

For the moment, we decided that if more tech-savvy want to play with the GoPiGo3 class, they can always go through the source code and read the docstrings by themselves - the docstrings are self-explanatory. What is your opinion?

This doesn’t mean we won’t add this module to the documentation - if users show an interest in having this documented, we will do that.

For the time being, the GoPiGo3 class (actually the whole module) is found here:

Thank you!

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I found my way to the DI Github source for and agree that it is very well self-documented. I found some gems that I will want to use in the future.

I’m still weak with Python - does:

class EasyGoPiGo3(gopigo3.GoPiGo3)

mean that an egpg object “inherits” all the GoPiGo3 class methods?

Hi @cyclicalobsessive,

mean that an egpg object “inherits” all the GoPiGo3 class methods?

Yes, that’s correct.

Thank you!

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Very cool. GPG3 should arrive in 3 days - I’m too excited.

Thanks again.

import easygopigo
egpg = EasyGoPiGo3()
print(“Battery voltage: %.1f” % egpg.volt()

#inherited methods from GoPiGo3 base class
print("Battery voltage : ", egpg.get_voltage_battery() )
print("5v voltage : ", egpg.get_voltage_5v() )

If you want to format code on a post, you can use the markdown notation. Basically, enclose your code with ``` (3 grave accents in a row) at the start and at the end. There’s no need to actually quote the code.

Here’s an example of what you can get:

import easygopigo
egpg = EasyGoPiGo3()
print(“Battery voltage: %.1f” % egpg.volt()

#inherited methods from GoPiGo3 base class
print("Battery voltage : ", egpg.get_voltage_battery() )
print("5v voltage : ", egpg.get_voltage_5v() )

Read this:

Thank you!

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