With the GoPiGo3 Rechargeable Battery I get no response to power on. When RPi is connected to computer via USB than everything works fine and I can connect via VNC.
Tried different SD cards with Raspbian for Robots and also Dexter OS- same results
Measured battery output = over 10V
Why would the DEXTER board not be providing power?
Normally the robot is powered by the 12V rechargeable battery pack, but this isn’t working.
If I provide power directly to the RPi via the micro USB port, then everything powers up normally.
Cyclicalobsessive, your things to check #1 struck a chord. My students working on this robot had broken the leads off the battery. When they repaired it they connected the leads backwards, providing a negative voltage on the center conductor of the plug.
I switched the leads around on the battery and now the robot powers on and operates normally.