GoPiGo3 Operating System Choices: GoPiGo OS or?

Repeating To Make It Easier For Newcomers:

The only approved, tested, supported OS for GoPiGo3: GoPiGo OS


“I Cannot Use Buster OS”

Since GoPiGo OS is based on Pi OS Buster, some users may require a later PiOS. The official GoPiGo3 software will not successfully install on Bullseye or Bookworm based PiOS or Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi5.


If your requirements allow using the Legacy Bullseye PiOS 32-bit operating system AND you can live with no support, I have published an Unofficial GoPiGo3 On Legacy PiOS BullsEye 32-bit" install script on Github.


If your requirements can work on “ROS 2 Humble, Ubuntu 22, enabled GoPiGo3 with a Pi4 processor” I have a complete installable image available (with “Introduction to ROS 2 using the GoPiGo3” tutorials)

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