Hi. Sorry if this is redundant (I searched the forum but was unable to find help).
I have a GoPiGo3 board and I am trying to use TT Geared motors with a built-in encoder that I acquired previously from DFRobot (6V 160RPM 120:1 L Shape). The motor encoder on these units has a 4-wire cable. The GPG3 board takes a 6-wire cable. Can anyone provide me with guidance on the pinout for the motor slots on the GPG3 board? I already have a platform with the L-shaped motors and I hope to be able to use the GPG3/Pi combo to drive it. Any help would be appreciated.
Schematic for the GoPiGo3 is on Dexter Industries GitHub page here:
Excellent - thanks kev.r
What you are attempting is not recommended, but could work. Note that the GoPiGo3 is intended to run on 9-12v, with motors that are rated for 12v. Using 6v motors could cause problems for the motors and/or the motor drivers (the motor controllers on the GPG3).
To get similar performance between 12v and 6v motors, 6v motors are designed to use twice the current and half the voltage. Twice the current means the motor drivers might be overloaded, and half the voltage means the motors might be over-powered.