I am trying to adapt some python code that uses GPIO.add_event_detect so I can use grovepi.pinMode(2, “INPUT”) for a Maplin Anemometer which I would like to connect to my GrovePi D2 port. The Maplin Anemometer a magnetic switch, to send pulses just like Model:COM11335P.
I would like to use Grove - Screw Terminal or if required the Grove - I2C ADC to connect to the Grovepi.
Please can someone advise me how to grovepi.pinMode.
I have copied ther code below which was take from http://mile-end.co.uk/blog/
Hopeing some one can help me.
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO, os, time
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #pin that the anemometer is connected to
GPIO.setup(25, GPIO.OUT) # pin that the LED is connected to
timer = time.time() # initialise the timer
fast_time = -1 # TODO: future use
def wind_ping(channel):
global timer
global fast_time
cur_time = (time.time() - timer) # time for half a revolution
wind_speed = 0.667 / cur_time # reworked from the datasheet
if wind_speed < 200: # add bounce detection here
if cur_time < fast_time:
fast_time = cur_time
wind_str = “%10.4f” % wind_speed # convert the float number to a string
wind_speed = wind_speed * 2.236936 # apply the multiplier to calculate miles per hour
windmph_str = “%10.4f” % wind_speed
cur_str = “%10.4f” % cur_time
# will print the measurements to screen for each pulse detected
print "Wind Speed: " + wind_str + " m/s, " + windmph_str + " mph, time: " + cur_str
timer = time.time() #reset the timer for the next revolution
GPIO.output(25, not GPIO.input(25)) # alternate the LED state
GPIO.add_event_detect(18,GPIO.FALLING, bouncetime=30) #threaded event, to detect the
voltage falling on anemometer (pin 18)
GPIO.add_event_callback(18,wind_ping) # tell the event to call procedure above
while True: # loop to keep the program alive
except KeyboardInterrupt:
GPIO.cleanup() # reset the GPIO pins when you press ctrl+c